Inch Park is a Community Sports Club, serving as the hub of three clubs: Lismore rugby club, Edinburgh South football club and Edinburgh South cricket club.

But our goal is to provide a vibrant space where sport and other activities can take place, catering for all ages and abilities.

Our venue covers around 9.8 hectares and consists of a modern clubhouse, two full-size rugby pitches, two football pitches and a cricket oval, complete with a synthetic wicket.

Through our clubs and partners, including Scottish Rugby and Cricket Scotland, we deliver schools programmes, the government’s Active Schools programme, and youth initiatives to encourage healthy lifestyles.

Our clubs regularly reach over 6,000 youths and adults – through playing and coaching in addition to the work of volunteers and parents.

Additionally, an estimated 1,000 people pass through the doors on a weekly basis, attending a range of classes, meetings and social events including a baby café and dance groups.

Designated as a Community Sports Hub by our partners at Sportscotland, Inch Park exists to benefit the local community and ensure that the legacy of the club, and its hub, is passed down to future generations.

Our core objectives are:

  • The advancement of public participation in physical activity, with a particular focus on children and young people.
  • The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended.
  • To continually improve, maintain and manage the community assets at Inch Park, Edinburgh

We are a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC040057.

 Our Board

The Board of Trustees of Inch Park Community Sports Club meets on a monthly basis to oversee a number of issues including business development, communications and finance.

The trading arm of Inch Park has its own separate board which works closely with the overall board of trustees, while supporting our staff and volunteers and the development of our three member clubs.

To discuss any issue, or propose suggestions, please contact the board’s chair, Joe Sneddon, at

Current Board

Joe Sneddon, Kenneth Irons, Lynne Mantle, Paul Reddish, Hamish Skene, Alan Soden, Mark Woods



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