Inch Park hosts creative activities for both the young and old.

Creative Play

Impact Art’s new Creative Play service provides free imaginative outdoor play opportunities for children in P2 to P4.

The sessions are designed to encourage children to develop creative skills, confidence outdoors and help them make new friends. After joining us, children will have met new people, learned games they can play outdoors with little or no materials and discovered their local park through a completely different lens.

From creating abstract sculptures out of organic materials found in the park to building birds’ nests, or doing forest treasure hunts, storytelling and painting with mud, Creative Play will ignite children’s imagination and encourage a deeper and more creative contact with the outdoors.

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Creative Café

The Creative Café is a safe, social, and creative environment where older people can learn new skills, renew social networks and reconnect with their communities. The activities, facilitated by artists, are self directed by participants, harness the joy of creativity, artistic expression, experimentation and learning.

Creative Café at Inch Park is open on Thursdays and Fridays each week at the Inch Park Community Sports Centre. Sessions run from 10-12:30 and 1:30- 4pm.

Come along for a cup of tea and a chat whilst trying your hand at various artistic and creative techniques. No previous art making skills are necessary and workshops are entirely free.

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For more details on both, please contact or 0131 661 4225