July 13: Organised outdoor sports, play and physical activity has resumed for young people under 18.
At Inch Park Community Sport Trust, we are delighted to start welcoming back our sporting community in tandem with our partner clubs of Lismore Rugby, Edinburgh South FC and Edinburgh South Cricket Club.
Following Scottish Government protocols on Covid-19, the Trust is implementing guidelines to keep our kids and grown-ups in a safe, hygienic and secure environment.
Please help us by following directions within Inch Park. Here is some key information on the procedures we have put in place.
– Kids will now be training on the pitches while socially distanced from coaches. Parents or carers are not encouraged to remain on site.
– We would ask community users to stay clear of the pitches if children and youths are playing. Please do not approach the coaches and volunteers during these sessions.
– For the remainder of July, we will also be completing essential pitch works to restore Inch Park to prime fitness. So we’re asking all of our visitors to be extra careful as there will be heavy machinery in operation to spray the grounds and then put down new seed.
As sport re-opens in the months ahead, we will keep you informed so we can welcome all our users back safely.
Extensive Government Guidance can be found here: https://sportscotland.org.uk/covid-19/